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The Galapagos Islands
2012 K11-HKU Eco-leaders

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19 to 30 July 2012


Day 1: Hong Kong – Amsterdam – Quito

Day 2: Quito

Day 3: Quito – Mindo – Maquipucuna

Day 4: Maquipucuna - Quito

Day 5: Quito-Galapagos

Day 6: Galapagos - Overnight on board

Day 7: Galapagos - Overnight on board

Day 8: Galapagos – Quito

Day 10: Quito – Pululahua

Day 11: Pululahua - Quito

Day 12: Quito – Guayaquil – Amsterdam

Day 13: Amsterdam –  Hong Kong

Map Galapagos.png


Natural Diaries

"島上的植披色彩繽紛,遍佈整片土地,就像一張大地毯。走到臨海的懸崖,一隻海獅像一尊雕塑般站立着,海鳥漫天飛舞,就在頭頂一略而過,一隻Nazca Booby坐在遠處的石上,樣子傻頭傻腦,難怪牠們取名Booby,在西班牙語解作笨蛋。"

Alice Wong

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"是次 field trip 既橫越過安第斯的雲頂森林, 又踏足過奇異獨特的加拉柏哥斯羣島, 是難忘和豐富的體驗, 使人眼界大開。在厄瓜多爾大陸看鳥是充滿驚喜和回報的; 在加拉柏哥斯看則是數量成千上萬的震撼。此刻, 我仍忘不了看見 Choco Toucan 在禿枝上的英偉; 以及 Swallow-tailed Gull 在懸崖上的瀟灑。"

Hui Tin Yan

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"Excitements, touched and the feeling of out-expectation were throughout the trip.

Books were read and video shared by others were seen before the trip. Yet, the feeling you see them real in wild is a big different. They were not pets sold at bird streets, in-captive nor in an aquarium. We were just like invited by them to visit their home where they feed and reproduce inside an amazing part of nature and where their ancestors have been doing for thousands and thousands of years"

Li Yan Yee

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"對我們這些城市人來說, 這裏是個天堂, 對我們這些愛好自然的人來說, 這裏是一場盛宴, 對我們這些喜歡雀鳥還是蝴蝶的人來說, 這裏是一個寶礦, 一朝來, 就在吃早餐前的兩個多小時, 我們已經看到很多的雀鳥, 拍下美麗的蝴蝶, 我甚至是忘掉早餐了, 在森林小路之間穿梭, 樹上的鳥, 路邊的蝶, 心中已經很滿足, 又怎會記得吃早餐?"

Camille Chung

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"突然,頭上飛過一只Blue-footed Booby,二話不說竟在我身邊俯衝下來,我還來不及反應,牠已經把頭插入水中,另一邊,一只Brown Pelican也是冷不防的來回穿插在我身邊的位置,平時看記錄片才可看到的牠們的捕食過程,此刻竟然在我旁邊發生,而且牠們完全不怕人,那場景近得令人驚訝!可惜我没有水用相機拍攝這個場景,但這個畫面一定會深深印在腦海中!!!"

Alvin Hui

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"That pale blue beak they have looks funny to me while in contrast with their bright red feet. The view from the Pitt Point was also amazing, where there are hundreds of frigate birds flying above our heads and on the sea, constructing a breath-taking picture."

Nicole Kit

View diary here...

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